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A Study on Meteorological and Hydrological Characteristics of Autumnal Flood in the Hanjiang River in 2005
CUI Jiang-xue, XU Shuang-zhu, WANG Ren-qiao, ZHANG Hai-yan
2007, 26(4): 3-8.
Abstract PDF
The Forecast of Possible Maximal Precipitation in Every Station in Wuhan Region
CUI Jiang-xue, WANG Ren-qiao, WANG Li, JIN qi, LI Yin-e
2007, 26(4): 9-14.
Abstract PDF
Quantitative Evaluation of Short-term Strong Precipitation Forecasting of
WANG li, JIN qi, KE yi-ming
2007, 26(4): 15-19.
Abstract PDF
Diagnostic Study of a Heavy Rain Caused by Cold Vortex in North China
LI Yin-e, SHEN Wei, ZHANG Ping-ping
2007, 26(4): 20-24.
Abstract PDF
Synoptic Feature of Flood-causing Heavy Rain and Study of Drainage Flood Prediction in Jiangxi Province
SHAN Jiu-sheng, YIN Jie, ZHANG Yan-ting, CHEN jian-ping, LIU Xian-yao
2007, 26(4): 25-29.
Abstract PDF
Design of Meteorological and Hydrological Forecasting System Based on GIS in the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River
HUANG Zhi-yong, YUAN Zheng-teng, WAN jun, ZHANG Ping-ping
2007, 26(4): 30-32.
Abstract PDF
The Analysis on Doppler Radar Products for Strong Wind of "6.26" Thunderstorm Event in the Midland of Hunan
YIN Zhong-hai, LIU Ying-jun, LI Zu-xian, LI Xiang-Yu, TANG Ming-hui
2007, 26(4): 33-36.
Abstract PDF
Study on Assessment Model of Areas Suffered from Flooding Disaster Based on Water Level and Precipitation
ZHOU Yue-hua, GUO Guang-fen, SHAO Mo-lan, LI Zhu-jun
2007, 26(4): 37-41.
Abstract PDF
Flood Disaster and Risk Evaluation Approach Based on the GIS in Hubei Province
WAN Jun, ZHOU Yue-hua, WANG Ying-ying, GUO Guang-fen
2007, 26(4): 42-47.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Study on Water Level Prediction Model in Ganjiang River Valley
YE Xiao-feng, ZHOU Jan-xiong, DAI Jing-jing, CAO Yan-hua, CHEN Shi-zhong, LIN Xiao-li, XIAO Min-guang
2007, 26(4): 48-52.
Abstract PDF
Research of Regional Torrent Risk Zonation in Jiangxi Province
GUAN Min, CHENG Xing-wang
2007, 26(4): 53-57.
Abstract PDF
Study on Meteorology-Hydrology Forecast Model in Zhang River Valley
TONG Zhe-tang, CHEN Guo-gang, PAN Chuan-dian, LU Li-bing, LIU Huo-sheng
2007, 26(4): 58-61.
Abstract PDF
Study on Flood Water Level Forecasting in Jingjiang
TONG Zhe-tang, LIU Huo-sheng, FU Ke-jin, CHEN Guo-gang, LU Li-bing, MAO Yi-wei
2007, 26(4): 62-65.
Abstract PDF
Flood Level Prediction of XinJiang Valley
WANG Huan, SHAN Jiu-sheng, DENG Hong-xia
2007, 26(4): 66-68.
Abstract PDF
The Study of Favourable Environment Conditions for Extreme Heavy Rain Cloud Clusters Forming in the Reaches of Yangtze River
WANG Deng-yan, ZHOU Xiao-lan, DONG Quan
2007, 26(4): 69-74.
Abstract PDF
Mesoscale Numerical Simulation and Diagnostic Analysis of a Heavy Rainfall in Guizhou
WU Hong-yu
2007, 26(4): 75-82.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on a Downburst Events Occurred in Wuhan Area
CUI Jiang-xue, ZHANG Jia-guo, WANG Ren-qiao, WANG Ping
2007, 26(4): 83-85.
Abstract PDF
Evaluation and Analysis of the Rainfall Prediction of AREM in Flood Season of 2007
2007, 26(4): 86-94.
Abstract PDF