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A Review of Studies on Torrential Rain During Pre-Summer Flood Season in South China Since the 1980's
ZHAO Yu-chun, WANG Ye-hong
2009, 28(3): 3-38.
Abstract PDF
Improvement on the Method for Estimating Precipitable Water from Ground-based GPS
XU Gui-rong, WAN Rong, LI Wu-jie, CHEN Bo, FENG Guang-liu
2009, 28(3): 13-19.
Abstract PDF
Advanced Algorithms of ET,VIL and VIL Density for the CINRAD
XIAO Yan-jiao, MA Zhong-yuan, LI Zhong-hua
2009, 28(3): 20-24.
Abstract PDF
Diagnostic Analysis of Hubei Regional Extra Heavy Rain in June 28—30,2009
WANG Hai-yan, ZHANG Wen, WANG Jue, MENG Ying-jie, XU Ming
2009, 28(3): 25-31.
Abstract PDF
Contrast Analysis of the Three Heavy Rain Cases in Changde City in 2008
TIAN Ze-yun, Gao Wei, SHE Gao-jie
2009, 28(3): 32-38.
Abstract PDF
Diagnostic Analysis of an Infrequent Heavy Rain Event Induced by Southwest China Vortex Moving Easterly
ZHENG Jing-hua, DONG Guang-ying, LIANG Tao, WANG Gao-ming, PENG Pan-pan, WU Li-xia
2009, 28(3): 39-44.
Abstract PDF
Study on the "07.7.9" Mesoscale Torrential Rain in South Sichuan Based on TRMM Observations
LI De-jun, LI Yue-qing, LIU Cao, GU Qing-yuan
2009, 28(3): 45-50.
Abstract PDF
Formation Mechanism of a Low Vortex Heavy Rain in Shanxi Province
CUI Fen-e, WANG Yong-qing, DI Li-hua
2009, 28(3): 51-55.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on Doppler Radar Echo of Local Severe Storm Weather over the Northwest of Hubei
WANG Li-hua, YIN Heng, YAO Dao-qiang, XIA Jin
2009, 28(3): 56-60.
Abstract PDF
Diagnostic Analysis of an Explosive Cyclone over Northwest Pacific Area
XIE Jia-zi, KOU Zheng, WANG Yong
2009, 28(3): 61-86.
Abstract PDF
Wind Field Retrieve of a Hail Event Using Simple Adjoint Method
SHI Yan, FENG Jin-qin, MIN Ai-rong, LI Wujie
2009, 28(3): 65-70.
Abstract PDF
Doppler Radar Identification Parameters and Their Effect on Early Warning of Hail Clouds
TANG Xing-zhi, HUANG Xing-you
2009, 28(3): 71-75.
Abstract PDF
Yangtze Large Flood Probability Random Process Model Prediction Research Based on the theory for stationary random processes
ZHENG xiao-hua, QU zhen-jiang, LI ke
2009, 28(3): 76-80.
Abstract PDF
Tentative Application of LAPS Data to the Weather Modification
XIANG Yu-chun, YANG Jun, LI Hong-li, YAO Wang-ling, YUAN Zheng-teng, CHEN Bo
2009, 28(3): 81-86.
Abstract PDF
Synthetic Analysis on a Squall line in Northwest Hubei on June 1,2008
LIU Zhi-yong, REN Wei-ying, WANG Li-ping
2009, 28(3): 87-92.
Abstract PDF
The Analysis of Variation Precipitation and Number of Rainstorm in Chaozhou in the past 51 years
LING Liang-xin, YUAN Zhen, CHEN Wang-xi, LIN Xin-jie
2009, 28(3): 93-97.
Abstract PDF