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Progress in application study of Q vector, helicity, potential vorticity and itsinversion to torrential rainfall associated with typhoon
YUE Caijun
2014, 33(3): 193-201.
Abstract PDF
Main progress in research on reduced light rain in China during recent decades
ZHANG Liya, WU Jian
2014, 33(3): 202-207.
Abstract PDF
Obrupt oscillation of visibility and its evolution during dense fog events atBeijing capital international airport
HUANG Jixiong,
2014, 33(3): 208-216.
Abstract PDF
Atmospheric boundary layer heights estimated from radiosonde observations in theQinghai-Tibet Plateau and its downstream areas
XU Guirong, CUI Chunguang, ZHOU Zhimin, ZHANG, LI Yueqing, ZHAO Xingbing
2014, 33(3): 217-227.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the quasi-stationary meso-scale convective systemsin the Northeast of Hubei on July 12,2012
WU Tao, HUANG Xiaoyan, NIU Ben
2014, 33(3): 228-238.
Abstract PDF
The analyses of occurrence mechanism and its numerical forecasts of a vortex rainstorm
HE Guangbi, TU Nini, ZHANG Lihong
2014, 33(3): 239-246.
Abstract PDF
A case study of assimilating GPS sounding profiles in a typhoon inverted trough rainstorm
ZHANG Zhaoyang, QIAN Zhencheng, YUE Fulu, ZHANG Xiaohui, ZHOU Luyan
2014, 33(3): 247-254.
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulations and diagnostic analysis of an extraordinaryrainstorm event in October 2010 over Hainan Island
YANG Renyong, ZHAO Fuzhu, CHEN Youlong
2014, 33(3): 255-263.
Abstract PDF
Investigation of severe thunderstorms caused by northeast cold vortex
WANG Yuxin, SONG Yao
2014, 33(3): 264-272.
Abstract PDF
Analysis on the role of various observation data in LAPS mesoscale analysis fields
LI Hongli, PENG Juxiang, ZHANG Yanxia
2014, 33(3): 273-280.
Abstract PDF
Performance verification of Desert Oasis Gobi Regional Assimilation andForecast System for precipitation forecast
YU Xiaojing, YU Zhixiang, XIN Yu, LI Shujuan, JU Chenxiang, LI Man, MA Yufen
2014, 33(3): 281-289.
Abstract PDF
Statistical analysis of predicting skill of Convective Available Potential Energy
ZHANG Jianchun, WANG Haixia, TAO Zuyu
2014, 33(3): 290-296.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of rainfall intensity features based on quantitative evaluation indexduring pre-flood season over Fujian Province
LIN Xin, GAO Jianyun, ZHANG Rongyan, QIU Honghua
2014, 33(3): 297-303.
Abstract PDF