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Analysis of distribution and transformation characteristics of multi-scale energy of typhoon Higos in 2020
LI Chang, SHEN Xinyong, HUANG Wei, SHA Sha, LI Xiaofan, ZHAI Guoqing
2023, 42(2): 113-123. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-182
Abstract PDF
Causes and meso-scale characteristics of the short-duration rainstrom in Nanchang on 29 June 2022
CHEN Yunhui, SHAN Jiusheng, LI Jie, CHEN Juan
2023, 42(2): 124-133. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-145
Abstract PDF
Analysis of a convective rainstorm in southern Henan caused by the cold air from the boundary layer
WANG Lulu, JIA Haosong, LIU Jing
2023, 42(2): 134-143. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2021-246
Abstract PDF
Comparative analysis of two heavy precipitation events in Northwest China induced by northeastward Tibetan Plateau vortices
QING Yiyu, HUANG Yujing, SUN Fang, ZHOU Shunwu, MA Shujun
2023, 42(2): 144-149. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-014
Abstract PDF
Analysis on the formation mechanism of heavy precipitation in Liaoning Province caused by northward-moving tropical cyclone "Bavi"
LIU Shuo, WANG Jindan, YAN Qi, LI Ping, TIAN Li, TAN Zhenghua, SAI Han
2023, 42(2): 150-159. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-106
Abstract PDF
Analysis of the forecast performance of a rainstorm process based on a convective scale ensemble prediction system
CHEN Lianglü, GAO Song
2023, 42(2): 160-169. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-053
Abstract PDF
Relationship between spring continuous rain over the Anhui province and different types of El Niño/La Niña decaying years
LUO Liansheng, WU Rong, DENG Hanqing, HE Dongyan
2023, 42(2): 170-178. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-160
Abstract PDF
Analysis on the causes of positive precipitation anomaly in Shandong in the autumn of 2021
XU Weiping, XING Yamin, MENG Xiangxin, YANG Chengfang, BO Zhongkai, LIU Shimeng
2023, 42(2): 179-187. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-054
Abstract PDF
Impact of radar data assimilation on sub-kilometer-scale numerical simulation of a squall line
YOU Ting, WU Zheng, ZHAI Danhua, GAO Song, YE Mao
2023, 42(2): 188-199. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-084
Abstract PDF
Mesoscale analysis of a downburst process in Yichang three gorges dam area on 29 July 2017
XIA Yu, LI Fang, TANG Miao, YE Dan
2023, 42(2): 200-210. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2020-202
Abstract PDF
Dual-polarization radar echo characteristics of a hail supercell event in northeastern Hunan
CHEN Long, TANG Minghui, TANG Jia, HU Mei, WANG Qingxia
2023, 42(2): 211-222. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2021-235
Abstract PDF
Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of hail disaster events in China from 2010 to 2020
TANG Xingzhi, HUANG zhiyong, Zhang Rong, WANG Wenyu, YAO yao
2023, 42(2): 223-231. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2022-089
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of power load in Wuhan and its relationship with meteorological factors
LIU Jing, WANG Lijuan, CHENG Dan, DAI Juan, REN Yongjian, Gu Ming
2023, 42(2): 232-240. DOI: 10.12406/byzh.2023-022
Abstract PDF